
Dying light walkthrough first assignment
Dying light walkthrough first assignment

Do You Believe? Prerequisites: After completing "University". Crayons for the Kids Prerequisites: After Killing your first Bolter. Coffee Prerequisites: After Killing your first Bolter. Task: Search for missing boy, scavenge from museum.

dying light walkthrough first assignment

Rewards: 10,000 Survivor XP, $2,000, jewels and weapons during mission.

dying light walkthrough first assignment

Chasing Past Prerequisites: During "The Museum". Cease and Desist Prerequisites: After Killing Your First Bolter. Rewards: 5,000 Survivor XP, 15,000 Survivor XP, and then 10,000 Survival XP + Blueprint: Angel Sword. Blocks for the Boy Prerequisites: Completing "University". Task: Return a set of binoculars from the antennae location. Binoculars Prerequisites: Completing "A Pact With Rais (second half)". Task: Race over rooftops against the clock. Rewards: 2,500 Survivor XP (for each race) and Father's Stash (good weapons). Being a Hero Prerequisites: Upon Reaching Old Town. Task: Scavenge items: 3 x syringe, painkillers and gauze. Bandages and Meds Prerequisites: Completing the Events After "Siblings". Algae Prerequisites: Completing "A Pact With Rais (second half)". Task: Recover interviews and footage of the outbreak from the Slum, for a journalist. A Survivors Guide to Zombieland Prerequisites: Completing "A Pact With Rais (second half)". All side missions Here's the list of all side missions and their rewards: A Baby is Born Prerequisites: Completing "A Pact With Rais (second half)". Rewards: Dahlia's Cloak Potion blueprint. Witch Queen Prerequisites: After killing your first Bolter. Rewards: Stay Down blueprint (in rooms near the first breaker), Electrocutioner blueprint (inside the grey building where main switch is), Electricutter Blueprint (upon starting the Searchlight chain quest after this one). Voltage Prerequisites: After completing "Airdrop". The Prodigal Son Prerequisites: After completing "A Pact With Rais (first half)". Rewards: Exploding Throwing Stars blueprint during mission (close to Bozak). Posters Prerequisites: Upon reaching Old Town. Rewards: Zazhigalka blueprint from picked chest inside warehouse. On the Hooks (The Twins Chain Quest) Prerequisites: After completing "A Pact With Rais (second half)". Lighter Gas Prerequisites: After Killing your first Bolter. Incense Herbs Prerequisites: Beginning of game, from job board.

dying light walkthrough first assignment

Bahir Prerequisites: After completing "First Assignment" Rewards: 3,500 Survivor XP, $697, Blueprints for a Toxic Grenade (found during mission, in drug store). Rewards: Badass blueprint, Fire Launcher blueprint, Holy Ghost blueprint, Puff Puff Pass blueprint, GTFO blueprint. Rewards: Electrician Blueprint Escorts Prerequisites: Before you leave the Slums for Old Town.

dying light walkthrough first assignment

Electronic Parts Prerequisites: After Killing your first Bolter. Side missions with blueprint rewards To save you some time, here are the list of missions with Blueprint rewards: Blocks for the Boy Prerequisites: Completing "University" mission. In some cases it's simply a case of completing a core mission whilst others require you to kill a particular enemy. If you're looking for some of the games Blueprints then Side Missions are a great way to get those but it's important to know which missions offer the best rewards and how you unlock those side missions. In this post you'll find a complete list all of the side missions in the game together with their prerequisites and rewards. Dying Light has a great selection of core missions that'll keep you busy for days but it's the side missions that offer some of the real challenges, guaranteed Blueprints and additional XP rewards for your skill trees.

Dying light walkthrough first assignment